Application rejected? A step by step guide to what you need to do next.
Sometimes, applications are rejected because the wrong information has been supplied, or in the wrong format. If your application has been rejected because there’s a problem with your photo, proof of address or date of birth documents, you can upload new ones. You don’t need to pay again. Follow these steps to ensure your new photo or documents will be accepted:
To update your proof of your address / date of birth documents:
1. Select the Manage Your Application button in the page header above.
2. Log in to your travel account and click ORDER A CARD NOW.
3. Scroll down and upload your documents for your address AND date of birth; make sure they both meet the guidelines set out on the Get Our Pass page.
4. Click NEXT, scroll down and click SUBMIT.
5. You’ll be taken to the CHECKOUT page.
6. Scroll down and click CLEAR BASKET. You do not need to complete the rest of the form or pay again.
7. Click LOGOUT, and call us on 0300 323 0777. We are open 7am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday. We’ll be able to check your updated application and tell you what happens next.
To add a new photo:
1. Select the Manage Your Application button in the page header above.
2. Log in to your travel account and select the YOUR DETAILS tab.
4. Replace your photo with one that meets the guidelines set out in the Get Our Pass page and click UPLOAD and SUBMIT PHOTO.
5. Click LOGOUT. You do not need to complete the rest of the form or pay again.
6. Call us on 0300 323 0777. We are open 7am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday. We’ll be able to check your updated application and tell you what happens next.
If you haven’t yet applied, make sure you read all the information and instructions first before applying.

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