Expand your mind

Our Pass Graphic in black on pink.

Thinking about going to Uni?

Gaining a degree can definitely help you move into the career you want but as well as the certificate you can also gain essential life skills, new friendships and get to experience independent living for the first time.  That can all seem a little daunting so we have pulled together some useful info to help you weigh up your options.


The first stop for info on University options is UCAS where you can find help choosing where and what you want to study as well as some helpful hints on what else you need to know about careers, accommodation and student life.


Prospects is the go to place for advice and guidance for graduates but they also have some really useful info on undergraduate choices and the alternatives that are available to school / college leavers.

What is Our Pass?

Our Pass is a membership scheme for young people who live in Greater Manchester, and supports both school leavers and care leavers.

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